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1. Young Researcher Award at the 7th International Congress on Transportation Research for the paper: “Game-theoretic investigation of supply and demand models in aviation markets”


2. Thomaidio Award for the Progress of Science and Art for my scientific papers: 

2010: For the conference paper “Emissions at Greek airports and the environmental impact of air tourism” presented at the 89th Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting, Washington DC, U.S.A., January 2010.

2012: For the journal paper “Techno-economic assessment of the potential of Intelligent Transport Systems to reduce CO2 emissions” published in the journal IET Intelligent Transport Systems“.

2013: For the conference paper “Impact of environmental policies on the strategy of airlines” presented at the 6th International Congress on Transportation Research, Thessaloniki, October 2013.

2014: For the journal paper “A tool for calculating aircraft emissions and application to the Greek airspace” published in the Journal of Transportation Planning and Technology.

2015: For the conference paper “Behavioural changes in air travel due to the introduction of carbon emission fees” presented at the 14th International Conference on Travel Behaviour Research, Windsor, July 2015.


1. PhD Scholarship, Special Account for Research Grants (ELKE) of National Technical University of Athens. For my PhD studies (July 2014-February 2017).


2. Scholarship for my MSc studies, Special Account for Research Grants (ELKE) of Athens University of Economics and Business. For being ranked 2nd out of the students who graduated from the MSc Program “Business Mathematics” in the year 2012-2013.

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